Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Beyond Lemon Law: Obstacles to Settlement

Veteran lemon law lawyer Dani K. Liblang recently spoke at the Institute of Continuing Legal Education. Find out what she says are the biggest obstacles to settlement in a lemon law case.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Beyond Lemon Law: Settling Lemon Law Cases

Veteran lemon law lawyer Dani K. Liblang recently spoke at the Institute of Continuing Legal Education. Find out what she believes makes an auto defect claim ripe for settlement.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Beyond Lemon Law: Depositions & Vehicle Inspections

Veteran lemon law lawyer Dani K. Liblang recently spoke at the Institute of Continuing Legal Education. Find out how plaintiffs’ depositions and vehicle inspections can make or break your case.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Beyond Lemon Law: What Makes a Strong Case

Veteran lemon law lawyer Dani K. Liblang recently spoke at the Institute of Continuing Legal Education. Find out what she says makes a strong lemon law claim.